Kyuuketsuki Miyu is a disturbing four episode long anime series about a young immortal vampire princess named Miyu and her protectorservantbest friend and more Larva. In four episodes, a nosy spirit-hunter Himiko Se chases the elusive Miyu because she is very curious about Miyu's past. Miyu, she discovers, is the guardian of the door between the two world One of the Shinma (shin god; ma ghostdemon) and the one of our world. The Shinma wake from their sleep and disturb the lives of the Humans living above. Miyu and her servant () Larva hunts down these strange beings. However, Miyu is one of the Shinma herself and dislikes her duty. In the four episodes, Himiko Se discovers her linkdestiny with Miyu...
小编要说一下,首先,平野俊贵导演的水平真不错,开场就先来一个高超视听的片段,整体剧情紧凑,渡边菜生子,小山茉美,庄真由美,堀川亮,盐泽兼人,纳谷悟朗的演技都在线,真心值得一看。这么好看的日韩动漫,稻野寻湘影视网这就为您提供它的全集免费在线观看资源,播放起来一点都不卡,画质高清!另外,看你这么喜欢看平野俊贵导演的日韩动漫,再给你推荐几部日韩动漫:《缘结熊本》《隐瞒之事 -秘密是什么》《假面骑士平成世代 FOREVER》《爆裂天使》《我的英雄学院:两位英雄》《人渣的本愿》,希望你能喜欢!